Resident evil 6 pc steam
Resident evil 6 pc steam

resident evil 6 pc steam

Just try and embrace massive content which game holds for you. Is it game bad, which gives you fun? No, it isn't. With this Steam game, players will witness a truly terrifying horror experience and see through the eyes of the protagonist from a first-person perspective, for the first time in the. As a die hard Re fan, I looked very skeptically at first, but as it finally turned out, RE6 is very fun to play. Get up close and personal with the eerie Baker family in Resident Evil 7 biohazard, the next major entry in the renowned survival horror Resident Evil series. Who should I recommend this game? - to absolutely everyone. You get massive satisfaction by killing hundreds of thousands of enemies. Gameplay isn't too deep as well, but again, it is fun to play. Blending action and survival horror, Resident Evil 6 promises to be the dramatic horror experience of 2013. For example, you are fighting dinosaur like B.O.W monster and then the same monster turns into a big friking mosquito (like wtf, how the hell it is connected to each other).

resident evil 6 pc steam resident evil 6 pc steam

But, sometimes it's so unusual and exotic, its funny and hilarious in a good way. if you are looking for magnificent storytelling it is not the game you should buy. Story is simple and straightforward, it is only important for RE lore fans. For new players, RE6 is another AAA action game which is good, but not that good to be addictive and likeable like Dying Light or Dead island.

#Resident evil 6 pc steam Offline#

With this Steam key, players will get to play three distinct, yet interwoven story threads - each with their own pair of protagonists for either solo or co-op play, both offline and online. From old fan perspective it is no more resident evil game, there are no more horror and survival mechanics, which used to be a main focus in classic RE trilogy games. Experience the next installment in the Resident Evil survival horror franchise with Resident Evil 6. To say the truth, both ones are correct and true. First, it is trash to most hardcore resident evil fans and second, it is really nice adventure action game for non-fan gamers. There are mostly two major viewpoints fore RE6. It is really, really hard for me to give this game a fair review.

Resident evil 6 pc steam